Friday, April 30, 2010

you lay your hands on my chest

There are many things that I hate about living out in the country. The country boys? They're one of them. Of course, where I live currently, is the 'big city' in my area. Still can't get rid of the obnoxious country boys.

B dragged me out to the river last night. Yeah, the river. (She promised me Olive Garden. How could I resist?)

She'd met this guy at the gas station that she works at. He's nineteen, which feels like an eternity ago and makes me feel kind of old. She is twenty-three, I'm twenty-one. So yeah. We were older. Not by a significant amount, but still. Old feely.

Anyway, he asks for B's number and she was like, "whatever." And gave it to him! C'mon, dude. So this country boy (CB) brought along his country boy friend (CBF) and we met them at the gas station. CBF didn't want to go the river, and B was practically begging for him to come along. And he said that he had to work in the morning, and that he'd leave CB with B and take me home and trade off in the morning. "I'll bring 'er back in one piece."

Can we say ick?

Someone please give me a bunch of money so I can get out of here.

Anyway, B took me to Olive Garden today and bought me lunch and a peach sangria and there was enough leftovers for dinner, so I'm very satisfied. :)

B and I are freaks, though. We sat at the dam, at five in the morning, with CB just kind of hanging (CBF left a long time ago) and started saying "penis" back and forth, getting louder. We were screaming "PENIS" by the end, and like... thirty seconds later, a jogger runs by. And we just started cracking up and he goes, "I was wonderin' what the hell was going on," and kept jogging by. Oh, I almost died. It was lovely...

Finished Torchwood today. Saw it at Coconuts and almost peed myself, because it was season two! And I picked it up and almost went straight to the cashier... until I looked at that silly thing called price. $80! Seriously, dude? I was so sad. I really want season two, if not all of the series, but I'm not spending eighty bucks on it. Maybe some day, when I'm rich, right?

So yeah. Maybe watching fan made youtube videos of Dollhouse were a bad idea, because I'm seriously missing that show and it reminds me of how depressed I was when I found out that it was being canceled. It also reminds me of the guy who sent me his penis text and fell off of the face of the earth. I kind of really liked him. (It reminds me 'cause I was watching the new episodes at the same time I was talking to

Okay, well... Work the next few days. I think I'm off tomorrow unless they call me in. I'm seriously poor lately. It sucks really bad. :(

First in Line by Matthew Mayfield

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