Wednesday, April 28, 2010

my love's too big for you, my love

Let's just say that Torchwood is definitely a new favorite show now. Season 2 was just... wow. I don't want to ruin it for anyone who might be reading, because I hate spoilers like whoa. But when I first heard about the show, I thought that I was going to hate it. I saw the season 3 finale, because my friend all but forced me to watch it with him. And I was confused. But it was very interesting.

I finally decided back in... oh, December? To watch the first season. I enjoyed it. Enough to eventually watch the second season. I just now wrapped it up, and I was in love by the middle. And then I saw the finale. And I KNEW that this person dies, so I was anticipating it. But when I actually sat there and watched it, it literally broke my heart. I cried so hard that I found myself reaching for my phone to call someone... anyone.

I called B. She talked to me for a little while, and ended up having nightmares about a show that she's only seen one episode to. I make such an impact on everyone's life, eh?

So we decided that she should watch the season two finale to get some closure. No closure. She was crying by the end and claiming "I hate this fucking show."

We're opposites in this department. I LOVE things that make me cry. I can't explain it, but I feel closer to fictional characters than I'll ever allow me to feel around real people.

So there's that. I definitely recommend Torchwood to anyone who has good taste. Get through the first season, it's good, but not mind-blowing. Wait until the second season. Fuckkk. It was amazing.

Started season 3, which is only five episodes. Still exciting. I already know how it ends, but the children freaked me out already. I love it.

I've also started Supernatural. B started telling me ALL about it and I told her to stfu because I'm really sick of people ruining things for me. I hate spoilers. Really.

So there's that.

My roommate and I had margaritas Monday night.

So imagine this. I'm waiting for B and Matt to get home, and I start making dinner. (fried chicken and green bean caserole 'cause I'm a country girl.) I have a couple of vanilla vodka spiked cokes. Then we go out to get margaritas. I drink four. Matt, who is ten years older than me and much more experienced at drinking than me, had a hard time keeping up with my alcohol intake.

Then we go home and he and I have more vodka and sit out on the balcony. My roommate has an herb garden out there. So we started making names up for the different herbs, but they had to be boy names ('cause we're both fans of boys) and it had to start with the same letter as the herb. Here's what we came up with:

Lex the Lavendar
Benny the Basil
Manuel (aka Manny) the Mint
Cesar the Cilantro
Pedro the Parsley

We also named the spider that lives out there Bruno. :)

We're lovely, y'know?

So there's that. Television. Alcohol. And herbs.

(Sort Of by Ingrid Michaelson)

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