Sunday, April 18, 2010

I wake up exhausted

So this is my first post, 'cause the other one wasn't a real post. Hi!

I'm not using my real name on this blog. This blog is for me to be able to express myself freely, and bitch and moan about work. For the sake of having a name to call me, we will call me Erika. She's a character on the television series that I'm writing, and she's a little bit alter-egoy.

I mostly started this to write about my summer. My summer will consist of working two jobs: A theme park and Target. I will be exhausted. I will have to deal with so many stupid people, and, for my sanity and your entertainment, I will write about it. If you are a stupid person, you might get offended. Sorry 'bout ya.

So I'll just start this by saying that no one should have to have surgery ever again. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it can save your life and it can improve your life, but it sucks hardcore. No, not the surgery part, that wasn't so bad. But anyone who is a semi-grown-up but not really a grown-up and is paying rent and working a job where you can't take a paid leave, knows that this sucks. It sucks hard.

I got my tonsils taken out three weeks ago. When I went to the ENT (ear, nose, and throat) he told me that they need to come out. Then he went on to tell me that the recovery time would take 2-3 weeks. Wait a second, WEEKS? Yeah. Weeks.

Because I'm at the ripe old age of 21. I realized then that I was reaching adulthood. The first thing that popped into my head was not "oh noes, the pain!" It was "fuck, what am I gonna do about work?"

That's right. Work. Are they going to let me off for that long without firing me? How am I going to pay rent? These were my main concerns. My job and rent.

It's been a long process of getting back to work. Yeah. Work. The recovering from surgery part? Yeah, that sucked. But I'm really not thinking about it anymore, and couldn't really think about it WHILE I was in pain, because I'm poor.

And they fucked up at work, so I'm not even on the goddamn schedule. Son of a bitch.

Theme park wants me, though! I spent six hours training on Friday. It would've been more, except I had to drive an hour back home to go to therapy! So the next morning, I was right back at the theme park for nine more hours. I am so sunburnt. Keep in mind, it had been nearly three weeks since I'd done anything very physical. Riding with my friend to wal-mart to get ice cream felt like a big trip when I was doped up on pain killers and crying from the sore throat pain.

I'm exhausted. I ended up working at Target for about six hours today, my roommate wanted to recover from his hangover. (Yes, I met my roommate at work. Aren't we cute?) This hangover that he got from going out to the gay bar with MY BEST FRIEND while I passed out in bed from being so exhausted. Those bitches.

Oh, but seeing him drunk before I went to bed (he's a huge fan of pre-gaming) was the funniest shit ever. We're so mean to each other, in a joking way. While he was drunk I told him to go to hell and he was in the other room, so he yelled at me through the door "You go to... heaven! ... With Jesus...!" Yes, my roommate is lovely.

We'll call him Matt. Because there's a shit ton of Matt's all over the world. This is his real name. But that's okay, because the last three guys that I've slept with? Were all named Matt. Isn't that weird? My ex-best friend's name was Matt. My best friend in the second grade's name was Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Seriously. It's not even a pretty name!

So yeah. Today I worked at Target and we had this special promotion for Earth Month. Is it really an Earth MONTH? I thought it was just an Earth DAY, and that's on Tuesday. But whatever, I'm a fan of going green anyway. We gave out free reusable bags with a purchase. Which is pretty nifty, 'cause I love reusable bags.

Anyway, there's this guy who I think is a little slow. In the head, I mean. And he works there as a cashier. And the deal was that you just gave a reusable bag per transaction. No matter what. Even if they bought a pack of gum. Give them a mother fucking bag. I just automatically opened a bag and started bagging their stuff with it. It's common sense isn't it?

So this guy, and we'll call him R was at the register behind me. And EVERY person that went through his line, he was would say "do you want a bag?" ... .. JUST GIVE THEM THE FUCKING BAG. Not just that he would say it, but the way he talks it's hard to understand him. He kind of stutters it out all at once, and it's just hard to understand what he's saying.

Every person would go, "I'm sorry?" or "What?" Because DUDE, obviously people want their shit in a bag when they check out. So then he decided that he would be a little smarter and say "do you want a bag? they're free." And then it went to "do you want a free bag?"

But seriously! Just give them the fucking bag. Don't ask everyone if they want a bag! Obviously, if you get something for free, you're going to want it. Unless it's like, a bloody tampon. You know?

It just really got on my nerves.

People. Are. Stupid.

So yeah.

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