Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I must eat so many lemons, 'cause I am so bitter.

Whoever decided that on a specific day every week, there should be margaritas for a buck, was a genius. B and I went for these the night before last, and it was bliss. Plain ol' lime margaritas with salt around the rim, a lesbian singing country songs, and me. Lovely.

I worked tonight. I closed the food avenue section at Target. I also decided that it would be a good idea to leave my window open last night, and now my nose and throat have said "fuck you, bitch." Mix that with a back ache, and it made work very not fun.

I think that this guy who works there was flirting with me today. Which is refreshing and very much welcomed. I had a run-in with a guy that works there back in January, who offered to sleep with me. And I almost did it, but it felt awkward. I'm twenty-one, as I've mentioned before. He was seventeen. At the moment. But half an hour later, he turned eighteen. So he was legal, but it still felt like I'd be a cradle robber and felt like some kind of illegal, so I turned him down.

I turned a cute, barely legal boy down. But did I feel hot? Fuck yeah.

Plus, I had already been juggling... three guys, at the time. Oh, I miss that. I felt so hot, y'know?

First there was Mojito. I met him online and he wanted to hang out with me and have drinks. He came to my apartment, we drank mojitos and ended up having drunk sex. Turns out, he had a girlfriend. Who was apparently crazy and threatened to kill herself when he tried to break up with her. So I continued being a dirty mistress two more times until I found out that he was engaged. Ohh, Mojito. Mr. "can't we still be friends?"

Then there's Almost. And I call him Almost because we almost had sex, but not exactly. We still meet up every so often, when he's in the area. He goes to college pretty far away. When he comes home for break though? We just almost sex it up in the shower.

And then there was LA. I never met him in person, but if I had ever fallen in like with someone, it was him. Perfect guy for me. Well, almost. There was that whole liking kids thing, and that whole super long distance thing. It ended strangely. I told him that I liked him, he returned the feeling. Then he didn't talk to me for a week, blocked me on IM, and then a week later sent me a text message with a picture of his penis. Then fell off of the face of the earth again. Still a bit confused about that one...

I've pretty much decided that dating and relationships just aren't for me. But still, being flirted with, nice. And having sex? Definitely one of my favorite things. Along with Bath and Body Works, showers, sleeping, and vanilla vodka.

I have to get up bright and early tomorrow to finish up my training at the theme park. Then I'm going to my mom's to visit with her, because she's been sad after her cousin died. And my dad, well he's just insane.

So a few things about my dad. He used to be a meth head. He's been an alcoholic since I was born, and he's insane. Seriously.

So he went to the dr. not long ago and they told me his liver was bad. Big surprise, huh? Also, he has an aneurysm in his stomach. So they want to do an ultra sound and for some reason, they've got him taking steriods. A lot in a short amount of time. Which is, obviously, going to make him even more crazy.

One morning last week, my mom was getting ready for work (she works at a gas station) and my dad was being all weird and crazier than usual. She was at work in the middle of the day and some guy was standing outside, talking with her. (There's this thing about small towns where retired men have nothing better to do than stand around in a gas station and talk.) My dad pulls up in his big, ugly truck and starts cussing the guy out for talking to my mom. Threatening this guy. Acting like a complete and total dumbass.

Then he goes into the store and starts yelling at my mom. Cussing her out. The guy leaves and as he's driving away, takes a picture of my dad's liscense plate with his cell phone. Well, that just makes my dad crazy. The guy calls the cops and they show up, my dad's already left by now. My mom talks to the cop, telling him that the situation is under control and that he's gone and that he's not coming back. So that's that.

Until a few days later when the guy that my dad yelled at files a restraining order stating that my dad can't come within a thousand feet of him. So my dad throws a fit and my mom pretty much tells him that he was being stupid, acting like a high schooler, and that it's his own damn fault.

So he starts cussing her out, follows her out to her car while she's trying to go to work. And then he left, and was gone for a few days.

Now readers, I can't express to you how many times in my life my dad has left. The countless times my dad has gotten angry over nothing, or over something that he has done to himself, blamed it on us, and left.

Apparently he came back home, but my mom hasn't talked to him. So tomorrow I'm going to see her to show her that I love her and hopefully my dad will die soon.

Which is a terrible thing to say, but when you make people miserable your whole life, how many people are actual going to be hoping that you live to see tomorrow? My dad's diabetic. When I was little, I used to make him cookies. How fucked up am I?

Dad's insane, though. He's a topic that I try to avoid, but I definitely have some very interesting stories about that bastard. In the seventh grade, he tried to kill my mom. That was fun times! The best, was when everything was said and done, he came back home and everyone expected my sister and I to act as though nothing had happened. Which is bullshit and what kind of thirteen year-old should have to deal with that? Am I right?

So tomorrow. Theme park, visiting with my mom, and then the gay bar with B! I think we're going there anyway. I hope, 'cause I could use some drag queens and alcohol. Even if we don't go there, though. My roommate bought me a bottle of vanilla vodka to make up for a lot of the alcohol he's drank of mine. Oh, I love my roommate. He roasted a chicken tonight. It was godly.

It's 11:11, make a wish!

(Title is "Foundations" by Kate Nash.)

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