Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I don't have to pay for this shit

So my MRI came back normal. Yay! I haven't gotten the results yet for my bloodwork, but yay for no tumors or whatever. Right?

Okay, so I had the MRI yesterday. It sucked a lot more than they make it sounds in Grey's, 'cause they're basically like "He needs an MRI." like it's nothing. It really wasn't bad, as long as you're not claustrophobic. Which I'm not. But you lay perfectly still in this big machine and you're smooshed in there and they put things around your head and then sponges on either side of your head so you can't move it. And that made me start thinking about the Green Mile and how the guy forgot to wet the sponge and then I was like, "Maybe I'm really getting electrocuted today and it was all a trap!" And that would've really sucked, 'cause not only would I have voluntarily died with no reason, but I would have had to pay for it! Yeah, they charged me $75. Wouldn't that suck?

I had a lot of time to think those twenty minutes. Mostly all I could think about was the really loud noises that the machine makes in your ear. Blah.

Then the bloodwork. I really hate needles. I know that like, everyone says that and I know that I'm not super bad with needles. But it's really just unpleasant. I sat there and was like, "Don't tell me what you're doing, I'm just gonna play bubbles." And it was over before I knew it. But I also hadn't eaten in HOURS so I felt really weak afterwards. And then I went to Chick Fil A like a bad person, because they apparently don't like the gays. But I REALLY wanted a chicken sandwhich. :(

Then I went to see my sister who was having a rough day, so I brought her a slice of pizza from the mall. Then Matty and I went to his place after he got off of work and we watched Easy A which was a GREAT movie.

And some stupid cunt at work wrote this really rude note about me. So I'm turning it into my supervisor because I have seniority and she can't talk about me like that so publically. Dumb cunt.

OH! And Donna conviniently didn't notice that the cheese warmer was leaking. So when I came in I opened it up to see what was up and a bad of cheese had busted and leaked ALL OVER the inside of the warmer. Holy shit it was disgusting. I probably won't eat anything with nacho cheese on it for a while.

So I cleaned that shit up, which took FOREVER and then Justin my non relationship fuck buddy came to my work and acted really douchey and overall it was a pretty shitty day. :)

Chemo Limo - Regina Spektor

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