Thursday, March 22, 2012

you fit me better than my favorite sweater

So it's apparently summer already? It was in the 80's on Tuesday. WTF Global warming?

In other news, THE HUNGER GAMES comes out tomorrow. Obviously I'm excited, having devoured the books months ago and I am so ready to see it. I bought the soundtrack yesterday and it's pretty damn decent. Bought tickets on Tuesday, my friend (also known as my supervisor) and I are going to see it Saturday evening. We're going to hang out at her apartment first, watch movies/tv whatever and eat Chinese take-out and of course, drink some wine. Hopefully we'll be just the right amount of tipsy for Hunger Games. (:

A friend brought me Lana Del Rey's Born to Die album, and I'm pretty damn impressed.

Someone did a parody to the tune of "Video Games" for Hunger Games. YouTube it, it is hilarious. Look up "Lana Del Rey's 'Hunger Games'" and watch and enjoy.

Project Runway All Stars Finale was tonight! Mondo finally fucking won! Shit. I still don't understand how the fucking hell Gretchen won in their season. Her looks were like, ugly brown cowgirl bullshit outfits that made me wanna gag. If Mondo didn't win, I was going to throw a hissy fit. I would've lived if Michael son, but Austin Scarlett? Fuck. One of his outfits looked like his model poop out some kind of pink fuzz shit, and that "red carpet dress" was hideous. And unfinished. And who the hell does a wedding dress on Project Runway? Blech.

Two more episodes of Shameless! I'm going to DIE from anticipation, the previews look like something absolutely fucking horrible happens. Scared. The newest episode, Hurricane Monica? I bawled at the end, Emmy Rossum is so amazingly brilliant. Honestly, all of the actors are fantastic on this show. So glad that it's been signed for a third season.

House of Lies has proved to be pretty damn good, as well. Not quite so invested, but we'll see.

And what the fuck, Glee? You give us this really shitty, watered down season and then decide to touch on a really serious topic (that's resolved in two minutes), and then leave us with a huge ass cliffhanger? Rude.

Once Upon a Time has been pretty great so far. I was unsure about it in the beginning, but it's gotten a lot stronger. Plus, I mean, Amy Acker guest starring was a definite plus.

I know that Grey's Anatomy has lost its former glory, but I still love it. And Summer Glau guest starring, even if she wasn't like a main character, still a bonus. I wish that they would stop throwing Alex around so much. Izze, and then Jane Doe/Rebecca, then Izze again, and then that ugly, rude Reid that got a head shot, then that random blonde chick, now this all of a sudden random intern girl? C'mon.

Blue Jeans - Lana Del Rey

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