Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I am waiting to make somebody somebody

I become inspired last night and have now written four pages of the pilot episode of Notches. It feels really good to be writing again. I have moved my computer back into my bedroom (with the help of the wireless router that James installed for us) and am ready to start that whole writing thing again for real.

My life needs something more lately. It's mostly work. Work. Television. Ocassional sex and hanging out with friends.

I also inspired myself to do my resume and have applied for two jobs today. One is a receptionist at a dental office, the other is a sales associate at a pool place. While the pool place isn't ideal, it has benefits and pays a buck more an hour. I'd really like to get a receptionist position, though. I'm going to keep trying until I get a phone call from someone.

I'd really like to get a nine to five and then attend school in the evenings this fall. I'd like to take the next couple of years to get as many general education courses out of the way as possible and I'll hopefully be able to go back to Columbia in a couple of years. I need to wait until I'm twenty-four so that I will be able to apply for financial aid as an independant. Either that, or i could always gets married to a gay man for the benefits. Right?

Tyler and I at work were joking about this earlier this week. He got down on one knee and proposed to me with a little ring he had been wearing "Will you marry me for financial aid benefits." Bahaha. It was funny. Right smack inthe middle of the electronics section. People stared.

This is why I almost don't want to find a new job. I love a lot of people that I work with. They're so fun and I would really miss them.


Off to bed. Work tomorrow. And the next day. And many days after that.

Are We There Yet? - Ingrid Michaelson

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