Wednesday, February 2, 2011

this love has dried up and stayed behind

So there's a new series on Showtime called "Shameless." I don't know if you've heard of it, but it's pretty fucking fantastic.

Basically, it's about a family who lives in Chicago

Frank is the alcoholic single parent father.
Fiona is his eldest daughter who takes care of everyone... including Frank.
Lip is this very cute oldest brother who's super smart... and gets blowjobs from one of the girls that he tutors ;)
Ian the closet gay brother who's sleeping with his married boss
Deborah, who breaks my heart and cracks me up at the same time
Carl... who's kind of there
Liam the adorable baby who happens to be a little on the black side, clearly not actually Franks. :D

So they all live in Chicago and well... it's fantastic. Shit, watch the trailer or something.

Justin was talking about the show with me and wondered if there are really families like this. And I'm not saying my family is nearly like this, but some of the things that Frank does/says remind me of my dad so bad, it's kind of scary.

Anyway, I'm in love with the show. :)

Decided that I'm not going back to the theme park this summer. It was a tough-ish decision, mostly because it's been my job the past four summers... but, shit... it sucked last year. And they're training me in the photo lab at Target next week, so I'll be getting enough hours. And fuck me, I'm going back to school in the fall. So there.

So yeah. Watch Shameless.


First Love - Adele

PS - I had lime juice squirted on me and licked off tonight. It was pretty fucking hot. Yeah, you're jealous.

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