Friday, August 19, 2011

my heart stops, I already know

So the sister is moving back home. This is going to prove very annoying.

TORCHWOOD OMG. So good. Left it with a huge cliffhanger, so I'm going to go crazy waiting for the next episode. Oh, and some hot Jack being nakedness, so definitely a plus.

I have to cashier tomorrow from 8:30 until 5. I'm. Going. To. Die. I hate cashiering for a couple of hours, let alone for a full day. And I have to get up super early and everything. Grr arg. I hope I get this promotion - put in my application yesterday. Cross your fingers...

School starts up on Tuesday. Four days. Yikes. Four days and say goodbye to a social life. At least until my birthday, when I've asked the entire weekend off and plan on getting totally shit faced. Yay!

Spoke to a guy that I used to talk to a lot back in the day. If he wasn't so geographically undesirable, I'd probably marry him. Just sayin'. Also, I think that I'm pan sexual. I just figured out what this meant the other day, but I'm pretty sure that this is what I am.

My crushes/feelings aren't restricted to sex, I fall for personality.

Sounds like me. And a couple of prior situations. I was also completely infatuated by this girl that I had theatre class with back at Columbia. I wanted her to play the main character in my show... and I also wanted to ask her out. Which was a very confusing want back then.

Blah. Better sleep, have to be up in like... seven hours. Sad. Wish me no mean, old ladies.

- K$sha

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